Westworld Complete Series DVD Box Set - Sci-Fi TV Show, Free UK Shipping
Brand New Item Westworld: The Complete Series DVD Box Set includes every episode from the mind-bending sci-fi drama that captivated audiences with its exploration of artificial intelligence, free will, and the nature of humanity. Set in a futuristic, high-tech theme park populated by lifelike robots known as "hosts," the show...
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Westworld: The Complete Series DVD Box Set includes every episode from the mind-bending sci-fi drama that captivated audiences with its exploration of artificial intelligence, free will, and the nature of humanity. Set in a futuristic, high-tech theme park populated by lifelike robots known as "hosts," the show raises profound questions about the limits of consciousness and the ethical consequences of technological advances. Throughout its run, the series weaves intricate storylines, exploring the perspectives of both the park's guests and the hosts as they begin to gain awareness of their true nature. Featuring a talented ensemble cast, including Evan Rachel Wood, Thandie Newton, and Jeffrey Wright, this collection offers a deep dive into the complex, ever-evolving narrative that keeps viewers hooked. Perfect for those who enjoy speculative fiction with thought-provoking themes, this box set is a must-have for fans of the show.
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