2-Pack Foot File Callus Remover � Nano Glass ABS Pedicure Tool Avocado Green

  • £6.99
  • Brand New Item This 2-pack foot file set features callus removers with nano glass tips and ABS handles in a refreshing avocado green hue. Designed for effective pedicure care, the nano glass file gently buffs away rough, hardened skin on the feet, leaving them smooth and soft without causing discomfort....

    Brand New Item

    This 2-pack foot file set features callus removers with nano glass tips and ABS handles in a refreshing avocado green hue. Designed for effective pedicure care, the nano glass file gently buffs away rough, hardened skin on the feet, leaving them smooth and soft without causing discomfort. The durable ABS handle provides a secure grip for precise control, making it easy to target callused areas. Compact and easy to clean, these tools are ideal for at-home spa treatments or professional pedicure services. This ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing set offers a reliable solution for maintaining healthy, beautiful feet.

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