Derwent Manual Helical Desktop Sharpener **NO DESK CLAMP**
**MISSING DESK CLAMPIn “Like New” condition, meaning the product will look and perform as new. On occasions, the retail packaging may have signs of wear and tear, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). Buy with confidence with 6-months seller’s Warranty. ...
In “Like New” condition, meaning the product will look and perform as new. On occasions, the retail packaging may have signs of wear and tear, this is part of the packaging, and it won’t affect product (It’s what’s inside that counts). Buy with confidence with 6-months seller’s Warranty.
- High-quality manual helical pencil sharpener with extendible front and compartment for shavings and desk clamp; perfect for professional and amateur artists of all ages
- Achieve a sharp point on your pencils due to the high quality helical blade; suitable for pencils up to 8mm in diameter
- Easy to empty shavings reservoir thanks to sliding out feature; removable blade for cleaning
- Ideal desk companion - use clamp to secure to desk; available in mini size (2302000)
- Contents: 1 x Set of Derwent Super Point Manual Sharpener, Suitable for pencils up 8 mm in diameter, Colour: Black
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