Professional 3 Pack 22g, 23g, 24g, 27g Steel Tip Darts Set With Darts +
Brand New in Retail Packaging 3 DART AND DARTS ACCESSORIES ---------- The dart set contains 3 brass barrel 25 grams with ring-cut texture, 3pcs unbreakable precision cut aluminum shafts -51mm + 3pcs nylon shafts with spring rings, 9 high speed dart flights, 50 rubber O-rings to prevent loosening and 1...
Brand New in Retail Packaging
- 3 DART AND DARTS ACCESSORIES ---------- The dart set contains 3 brass barrel 25 grams with ring-cut texture, 3pcs unbreakable precision cut aluminum shafts -51mm + 3pcs nylon shafts with spring rings, 9 high speed dart flights, 50 rubber O-rings to prevent loosening and 1 multi-function tools and 1 dart sharpener to sharp the metal tip;
- EXCELLENT GRIP AND WEIGHT BALANCE ----- The brass dart barrel has been repeatedly tested and carefully designed to better target, sturdy material and ring structure offer excellent grip and styling in a slim profile, even-load straight shape provides exceptional balance and comfortable grip which is necessary to obtain a closer grouping of darts to maximizing scoring;
- EXACT ACCURACY TARGETING ----- Light-weight slim unbreakable aluminum shaft features locking holes and rubber O-rings enhance performance, allow for a tighter fitting to the barrel that improves stability and greatly reduces the need to retighten during play. Quality flights are constructed to help increase speed and reduce drag, delivering a consistent flight path for pinpoint accuracy; all the features of darts deliver the best flying in the air when you throw the darts towards the dartboard;
- GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF YOUR DART GAME ----- Our carefully designed steel darts is equipped with additional accessories, which is very suitable for beginners and intermediate players. The straight and streamlined design of the dart barrel with grip enhancing grooves provides excellent weight balance,best control, all these things help you hit the darts with right precision;
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