Make Your Own Castle - Painting Kit for children, age 8+ - NEW
New item. ABOUT THIS KIT - This Toykraft diy painting kit will enable you to make an authentic castle from Medieval times by using both construction and painting techniques. WHAT IS IN THIS OFFERING? There are a large number of components and art materials provided. These include 18 Mountboard cutouts,...
New item.
- ABOUT THIS KIT - This Toykraft diy painting kit will enable you to make an authentic castle from Medieval times by using both construction and painting techniques.
- WHAT IS IN THIS OFFERING? There are a large number of components and art materials provided. These include 18 Mountboard cutouts, 4 Cardboard tubes, 4 Cut-outs for turrets, Craft glue, 2 Acrylic paint bottles, Sponge pieces, Felt pen, string, 12 Soldier & 9 Shield cut-outs, Plastic straw and Twine, Metallic hex-nuts and an instruction manual
- WHAT CAN YOU MAKE FROM THIS DIY KIT? You can construct a replica of a medieval castle - complete with castle drawbridge, soldiers and emblems using the above material.
- HOW DO YOU MAKE ? Follow closely the diagrams and instructions provided in the manual to construct this enormous edifice. Follow this up by painting this fabulous mega-structure with acrylic paints to authenticate the castle look. Finally, string through twine as per the instruction diagram to make an actually operational drawbridge.
- WHAT DO YOU LEARN FROM THIS TOYKRAFT HOBBY KIT? With this paper craft kit, kids express your art and craft skills in a multi-fold manner. You learn construction skills to make 3D objects, sponge painting and how to string together a working drawbridge. This Art and Craft activity offers a perfect alternative fun to keep kids busy, learning essential life skills. They get exposed to practical skills such as dexterity, material assembly, reading and understanding diagrams, and much more.
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