Arena Kids Swim Goggles Spider JR 92338 Protective Goggles Swimming Glasses 6-12

  • £8.49
  • This item is �Brand New�. Supplied in original packaging with all accessories. Packaging has been damaged. The Arena Kids Swim Goggles Spider JR 92338 Protective Goggles Swimming Glasses are specially designed to provide young swimmers aged 6-12 with optimal vision and protection in the water. Featuring a vibrant spider-themed design,...

    This item is �Brand New�. Supplied in original packaging with all accessories. Packaging has been damaged.

    The Arena Kids Swim Goggles Spider JR 92338 Protective Goggles Swimming Glasses are specially designed to provide young swimmers aged 6-12 with optimal vision and protection in the water. Featuring a vibrant spider-themed design, these goggles add a fun and playful element to swim time, making them appealing to children who enjoy superhero and adventure motifs. The goggles are constructed with high-quality, durable materials that ensure a secure and comfortable fit, preventing water from leaking and reducing irritation during prolonged use. The anti-fog and UV-protective lenses offer clear vision and protect young eyes from the harsh effects of sunlight, enhancing both performance and safety in the pool. The adjustable straps and soft silicone seals provide a customizable fit, accommodating various face shapes and sizes. Ideal for swimming lessons, recreational swimming, or competitive training, the Arena Kids Swim Goggles Spider JR 92338 offer reliable performance and stylish design, making them an excellent choice for young swimmers seeking both functionality and flair.

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